

Guideline for Application

Go to Apply
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STEP 01  I  Sign Up

① Click <Apply > → ② Click <Sign Up> → ③ Fill out blanks and click <Sign Up>

STEP 02  I  Fill out Profile

① Login → ② Fill out blanks in the profile page(Artist name, portrait photography, education and exhibition, experience of other activities, etc.) and click <Save> → ③ Click <Profile Modify> for editing

STEP 03  I  Submit Application

① Select a category (Use, Expression) Click → ② Fill the blanks for the exhibition proposal → ③ Submit a portfolio → ④ Click <Complete> to submit → ⑤ Check your application status.

② Fill the blanks for the exhibition proposal
• Objectives & Goals – What is the goal of the exhibition and what is it expected to deliver.
• Themes & Topic – In one or two sentences describe the theme or idea for the exhibition.
• Exhibition Contents – Outline in detail what the exhibition will focus on and break it down in theme with a short explanation.
• Display Plan (option) - How do you anticipate using the space with art pieces? If there is specific requirement, make a remark. (Applicant may attach the photo or drawing)
• Public Programs – What specific programming can support the gallery exhibit?

- Do you have any accompanying public programs such as hands-on workshop, demonstration, community conversation, education programs, performance, artist talk, lecture presentation, etc?
- Outline in details what kind of program you can perform and what is target audience?

③ Submit a portfolio
• Submit at least five (5) pieces of work information (max.10).
• Portfolio must include at least one (1) artwork that is available for exhibition.
• Applicants must submit a portfolio with works created within the past three (3) years. 

- These one (1) entry shall not have previously received an award in another competition, either domestic or international.   
- Failure to meet any of the above requirements will result in disqualification in the screening process. In the event that an award-winning entry is subsequently revealed to have failed to meet the above requirements, prizes may be retroactively reclaimed.

• How to upload and submit your own video or audio files

- For entries with video or media art files, they are required to upload original files to YouTube or Vimeo and then submit it on our online application website with address of the link and still-cut images.
- Entries involving sound media are required to upload original files to YouTube or Vimeo and then submit it on our online application website with address of the link. Also, mark that it is a sound media.

① Sign in or create your own account to YouTube (https://www.youtube.com) → Click on “Upload video” at the top of the page

② Before you start uploading the video, be sure to set as ‘Unlisted’ in the video privacy settings. (Please be careful not to be disclosed, before screening for the International Competition.) → Select files to upload

③ After upload, check the “Unlisted” setting → Click “Done” to confirm

Copy the link address (Your video will be live at) → Enter the copied link address on the blank at online application page of the International Competition.

① Join or Log in to Vimeo(https://vimeo.com) → Click on “Upload” button at the top of the page

② Before you start uploading the video, be sure to set as “Only people with a password can see this video” in the privacy settings.(Please be careful not to be disclosed, before screening for the International Competition.)

Set your password → Upload your files

④ After upload, copy the password with link address displayed at the bottom → Save → Enter the copied link address and password on the blank at online application page.


Korea Ceramic Foundation KICB2019 Office
263, Gyeongchungdae-ro 2697 beon-gil, Icheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 17379, Rep. of Korea
Tel +82 31 645 0632   Fax +82 31 631 1650    E-mail gicb2019@gmail.com

Copyright(c) 2018 By Korean International Ceramic Biennale (KICB). All Rights Reserved.